If it's a single person or there's not much AOE and you're standing behind, you'll probably utilize your time of fury. But if there was ads that run over towards the person you are standing in, you might find the time of wrath if that's what you want to do. Reverberation still does the same thing.
Reduce the cooling time of your shocks, elemental Focus is exactly identical. These are just swap positions as elemental focus now feeds into a funder that we'll get down to in a minute elemental Fury is exactly the same , with the exception that it costs five points. Instead of one. You can see that the majority of these are the same WoW Classic SoD Gold .
It's the reason I'm running through them since they've gone up and back in the tiers or gone moved from one point to five points, or five points to three points. The goal is to complete it.
It's not possible to have the entire theory in one place because they've needed to of bolster some of these skills into multiple areas to be able to take other items from the tree entirely or to move them. into enhancements such as in TBC.
It's true that you have erfs Grasp placed in the second tier which I refer to as the flame is that simply because it's moved up to the first tier of enhancement.
There's plenty of places where this happens and you're seeing certain times to move from one tier , and then the only tree to cross over into another tree of the enhancement tree or vice versa and even the resto tree into those ones I'm just passing over since it's not overly important.
In the next step, I have the storm to be quite a big one that's changed so now it reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting lightning bolt Chain Lightning Lava Burst and Hex. The reason why I'm saying this is large is because when a player is looking at the storm in TBC this gives you 100% chance to gain focus cast and effect that lasts six seconds after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. This means that it's more consistent, but regardless of the boss's AoE damage was raging around will be blocking your casting, it's designed to counteract that, which is actually very nice WoW SoD Gold .