Amazon's New World developers are hard at work improving the massively multiplayer online game. The team has even announced that its first server merger will take place on December 8, which will most likely be the first of many to follow. New World, on the other hand, will receive its December update, which will include a special holiday event, not long after that. Amazon, on the other hand, has removed the tentative December update from its Public Test Environment server before new world gold becomes available. Players will be able to use over a dozen new Perks as a result of the update, according to the patch notes released by the company.
Fourteen new Perks are expected to be introduced to New World in the patch that will be released in December. The Perks appear to be focusing their efforts on a number of different specific areas. Examples include offensive Perks that increase gathering efficiency, offensive Perks that reduce opponent healing effectiveness, Perks that improve fully charged attacks or attacks with active Grit, and Perks that reduce damage from a variety of sources, among others.
Amazon appears to have targeted the introduction of the new Perks to respond to very specific lines of feedback from New World players with the introduction of the new Perks. In the New World, it is not uncommon to see players dissatisfied with the amount of time Cheap new world gold takes to gather, their inability to deal with healing in PvP, the fact that Grit and charged attacks are high risk and low reward, or the lack of defensive Perks for tanks. These new Perks will allow New World players to get even more out of their gear by optimizing even further.
Perks, for those who are unfamiliar with the term, are special abilities that can be attached to weapons and armor. Depending on the item's quality, it can have anywhere from zero to three Perks attached to it. A common-quality item, for example, has no Perks, whereas an epic-quality item has three perk points. Weapons and armor can also have Gemstone slots, with gems that each provide a specific Perk for better optimization, which can be placed in the Gemstone slots. To put it simply, New World players spend a significant amount of time attempting to obtain equipment that has the optimal Perks.
Of course, new Perks aren't the only thing that will be introduced in the December patch. The PRT patch notes also detail changes, including a significant change to PvP combat, with Amazon rewriting the formula for PvP damage due to issues with lower-level players having higher damage mitigation. The PRT patch notes also detail changes, including a significant change to PvP combat, with Amazon rewriting the formula for PvP damage due to issues with lower-level players having higher damage mitigation. To coincide with the December Patch, a number of New World's weapons have been tweaked or known bugs have been addressed.
The Winter Convergence Event in New World will, without a doubt, be the most significant addition to the December update. Snow will fall more frequently, the Northern Lights will appear more frequently in the sky, and Yeti, the Winter Wanderer, will decide to pay a visit to the land of New World in the coming months. Over the course of the event, players will have the opportunity to collect Winter Tokens, which can be exchanged for exclusive cosmetics at Holiday Shops. Having some new content to play will be beneficial for New World players in order to keep the MMO fresh, especially in light of all of the ongoing fixes from Amazon.